DNC Chair Candidates Bash White People in Racially-Charged Forum

Candidates aspiring to take over as chairman of the Democratic National Committee met Monday night to discuss what went wrong in 2016 and how to get the party back on track. “We have to ratchet up the racism and the minority pandering. We need votes. We need to correct white people! I am the cure!”

Sally Boynton Brown Democratic Chair

Sally Boynton Brown, straight out of “The Stepford Wives”, thinks this is going to win votes for the Democrats? Not only is she anti-white but she is nuts!

Early into the event the candidates gravitated toward a particular scapegoat for the party’s poor showing in November: Political consultancies owned by white people.

“We have to stop, particularly with the consultants,” said the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, Jaime Harrison. “You cannot come to the DNC and get a contract and the only minority face you have is the person answering the phone.”

Minority consultants “need to get the same resources that the white consultants have gotten,” said a Fox News analyst and candidate for the chairmanship, Jehmu Greene. “The DNC did a piss poor, pathetic job” attracting minorities, she said.

“My job is to shut other white people down…”sally@wethednc.org

Democrats must provide “training” that focuses in part on teaching Americans “how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they are white,” urged the executive director of Idaho’s Democratic Party, Sally Boynton Brown, who is white.

The event’s moderator, MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid, asked the candidates how the party should handle the Black Lives Now movement.

The candidates uniformly emphasized that the party must embrace the activists unreservedly.

[Read: DNC Candidate: DNC Must Teach People to ‘Shut Their Mouths if They Are White’]

“It makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed,” Brown said. “I’m a white woman, I don’t get it. … My job is to listen and be a voice and shut other white people down when they want to interrupt.”

“This is life and death” she emphasized. “I am a human being trying to do good work and I can’t do it without y’all. So please, please, please, get ahold of me. Sally at we-the-dnc.org. I need schooling so I can go school the other white people.”

Another candidate said black Americans are now living with “justified fear” of being killed after Donald Trump was elected president.

Raymond Buckley, the chairman for the New Hampshire Democratic Party, told a story about how, in the midst of “grieving” on Election Day, he received a call from his black niece, who feared for her life after Trump’s victory.

“It’s not just certain parts of the country,” he said. “That fear is all across the country. It’s even in rural new Hampshire. So when people say black lives matter, you are damn right they matter.”

Asked whether they would agree to work with President Trump, the candidates agreed they would never do so, which drew some applause from the otherwise quiet crowd at George Washington University.

Do the Democrats think they are going to win election with this anti-white rhetoric? Ask Sally. You can email her at Sally@wethednc.org.

6 thoughts on “DNC Chair Candidates Bash White People in Racially-Charged Forum

  • January 24, 2017 at 7:38 am

    Every state GOP organization should run this video at every meeting. This is a gold mine!!!! Yes please please please white liberal from Idaho. Thank you!

  • January 24, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    If you haven’t already done so, please read my essay “The New Marxist Party Hates REAL Americans,” which is available under the CITIZENS INFORMER Tab, above.

  • January 24, 2017 at 2:19 pm

    I pray that this “Stepford Child” gets a massive dose of “multiculturalism,” preferably late at night and in some very dark place where there are no guns, white men or police officers to save her sorry self…

  • January 25, 2017 at 5:49 am

    I may have to give Sally Boynton Brown a pass. Looking through the lense of a big payday she may have overreacted being this may be the first time she has been in the same space with a black person her whole adult life.

  • January 25, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    What’s the matter with these people? The DNC has a PERFECT candidate for Chairman, an individual who embodies every virtue cherished by the New Marxist Party, (often mistakenly referred to as “Democrats.”)

    This candidate is a dead-beat, a pathological liar, a moron, a loudmouth — and like his party — he despises America, white people, the Constitution, and anything remotely resembling a meritocracy.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you AL SHARPTON for Chairman of the DNC… !

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