Las Vegas Was A Deliberate Anti-White Mass Shooting

By Vincent Law:

Sometimes the hits the proverbial nail on the head. Writer Vincent Law has written a stinging observation of the Las Vegas massacre.

America will never be the same. We’re in a guerrilla war now.

The dust has settled on Las Vegas, and yet many questions remain. But this post is not going to be about the discrepancies, of which, I will admit there are many. The cameras, the live streaming, the CIA connections of the girl, the wired money and the official response are all suspect and frankly bizarre.

But one just to take one look at the victims to understand the most important part of what happened here.

The media will trot out token minorities to try to prove that this attack was race-blind, and still find a way to blame White males. The cucks on the right may even say that this was a targeted attack on Republican-voters. Liars, the whole lot of them. Especially those that just shrug and attribute the attack to “just one of those things” or “he just snapped” or “valium” or “guns”.

Investigators on Thursday were still piecing together the life of the gunman who killed 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas, and remained at a loss to explain what drove him to commit the massacre.

Only the Alt-Right will tell you the truth.

A multi-millionaire Boomer with no kids and an Asian girlfriend targeted a gathering of BadWhites.

500+ White people were gunned down not just because they were White, but because they were the wrong kind of White people. They were gunned down by an anti-White, a race-traitor and a self-hating White.

This is the greatest anti-White mass shooting of all time and the start of something new. It has been a soft Genocide of Whites until now. But we are undeniably moving into the guerrilla phase of the war. Isolated attacks on Whites are not uncommon and are not new. Whether it was the “polar bear hunting” phenomenon, or the Islamic terror attacks or the Mexican gang murders- Whites have been targeted for years now.

But now, the last and most powerful member of the Anti-White coalition has decided to join the fight. The massive “GoodWhite” faction of self-hating Whites that have been radicalized by 60 years of media brainwashing, the schools and the hysteria surrounding Trump have finally started flexing their muscles.

We saw them join the war against the White race during the election season, under the banner of Antifa. We see them rampaging on the streets now, tearing down monuments, attacking patriots and now, one of theirs has committed mass murder.

In his mind perhaps, he was fighting Fascism. After all, if the media declares Trump to be literally Hitler, then his supporters must also be literally Hitler. Nevermind that most of those people probably didn’t think much about politics.

They were there for the circus part of the panem et circenses social contract.

This didn’t stop the shooter. Anti-Whites seem to have a special love for targeting concerts in particular. If they were smarter, they would leave the circuses alone…And I believe it will be their undoing.

Perhaps in his mind, he even saw this as part of the greater good.

In other words, shoot 500 to save thousands from gun-related deaths once his act paves the way for anti-gun legislation. That wouldn’t surprise me. Lefties are always for the greater good. Even though they hate their neighbors, their countrymen and their race, they subscribe to the belief that they love humanity – defined abstractly of course- and are do-gooders at heart.

These GoodWhites are willing to kill for the cause, and if you ever doubted that, you have Las Vegas as a stark wake-up call.

Yes, the game has changed once again. It’s been an eventful year, and we’re not even close to the finish line. There was a pre-Trump America, a pre-Charlottesville America and now a pre-Vegas America.

All of them are behind us now.

Sporadic attacks on BadWhites have become a staple of our brave new anti-White paradigm. Richard Spencer being punched was the direct precursor to what happened in Las Vegas. The same animus behind that attack was at work in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas just raised the bar.

And we all have targets on our backs. Because of the election, we learned that the media would cover for them if they attacked us with fists and clubs in the streets. Because of Charlottesville, we learned that 1st Amendment no longer exists in America. Now we know that the media will cover for them if they decide to gun us down as well.

Meanwhile, the police are waffling on this one. And the longer they hold back on releasing the details, the more we can be sure that the details are damning. Call it a corollary to Coulter’s Law. The latest:

Stephen Paddock didn’t just have 23 weapons in his Mandalay Bay hotel suite, which he turned into a sniper’s nest to kill 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas. He also had 50 pounds of explosives material and 1,600 rounds of ammunition in his car in the hotel parking lot, police said…

But what motivated Paddock to kill dozens of strangers — and where he planned to strike next — remain a mystery.

It’s not a mystery to us. It’s all quite clear, and becoming clearer by the day.

Buckle-up, lads.

We are one step closer to that fateful day when this whole thing goes hot. You know it, and I know it. There’s no way this ends peacefully.


2 thoughts on “Las Vegas Was A Deliberate Anti-White Mass Shooting

  • October 7, 2017 at 8:12 pm

    This is quite an eye-opener, Vincent, and I thank you for posting the story. I wondered why the police were hesitant to disclose all of the details of last week’s shooting spree wherein 59 concert-goers were massacred and 500+ more wounded. First of all, despite its attempt to claim responsibility for the mass shooting, ISIS was immediately dismissed. Steve Paddock had never joined that terrorist organization, nor had he ever converted to Islam.
    You’re the one who really hit the proverbial nail squarely on its head, Vincent, this story makes a lot more sense than any others on this event. Whether the Las Vegas Police Dept. and/or the FBI have any clue as to Steve Paddock’s motive, they haven’t divulged it. Did he have any affiliation with Antifa? That would make more sense than any with ISIS. ISIS doesn’t recruit 64-year-old men, they usually recruit men 35 years old and younger.
    There is a bright side to this story, however. Over 100 million US citizens are legal gun owners, owning 500+ million firearms and 4+ trillion rounds of ammunition .. 65+% are either hunters, combat veterans, or both, and 45+% are women. Better yet, they’re all quite proficient in the use of their weapons .. This makes them the largest army in the world. Congress would be making a huge mistake if they violated the 2nd Amendment by pushing strict gun control legislation .. That would be a declaration of war against the largest army in the world. These 100+ million legal gun owners aren’t going to surrender their firearms, they’re ready to shoot down any USG force that tried to confiscate all of those weapons and ammo. Is Congress really that stupid as to provoke a civil war? I know the Bolshevik Democrats are, but they’re a minority.

    • October 7, 2017 at 11:28 pm

      Government doesn’t remember that the Second Amendment isn’t only for self defense, the Second Amendment is a protection against a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT.

      • Alexander Hamilton said, “The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed,” adding later, “If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government.” What institution was Hamilton referring to when he said “the representatives of the people”?
      • Thomas Jefferson: “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” Who are the rulers Jefferson had in mind?
      • James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution,” said, “(The Constitution preserves) the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
      • George Mason, author of the Virginia Bill of Rights, which served as inspiration for the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, said, “To disarm the people — that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them,” later saying, “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials.”
      • Richard Henry Lee said, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.

      Only opponents of a free people want to repeal the second amendment. You know who our opponents are.

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