What A Friend We Have In Gorsuch
What a friend we have in Gorsuch,
A man who’s clearly sent by God!
What a joy it is to see him,
In the Halls, where Scalia trod.
We are weak and heavy-laden,
Our culture, and our race at bay:
All our Bill of Rights asunder,
The commies and the queers must pay.
SCOTUS unchained Mr. Janus,
No longer fleeced by union thugs:
Democrats are apoplectic,
Don’t see extortion clearly sucks.
The Court upheld the Travel Ban,
Barring some from the Middle East:
Reversed all those Trump “resisters,”
Al Qaida’s travel here will cease.
Oh, to hear the screams and moaning,
You’d think the World was at an end:
Those who hate the Constitution,
Now know it will be on the mend.
Could we find one more as faithful,
With scholarship and honor too?
Decent and observing Christians,
Must end subversion by the Jew.