Let The People Decide On Migrants Says Hungarian Prime Minister Orban
By Mike Walsh / Europa
Drawing on the remarks of other prominent political figures at last weekend’s Budapest Summit on Migration, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán concluded that migration and border protection competences should be returned to the EU’s member states.
“Four years have passed since 2015,” said Prime Minister Orbán, speaking at the summit earlier today, and “we have to admit that EU leaders and EU structures have proven unable to resolve the issue of migration and border protection.”
If Brussels has not succeeded so far, according to the prime minister, we have no reason to believe that they would in the future. “And in politics,” he continued, “the most important thing is the ability to admit to failure.”
“Migration and border protection decisions should be withdrawn from the European Commission and returned to the Member States, PM Orbán said, reiterating the proposal he put forward in an interview earlier this month and adding that “if we could achieve this with the European Parliamentary elections May 23 – 26), then it would have already been worth it.”
Prior to PM Orbán’s address, four prominent figures shared their views on the issue of migration today. Former Czech President Václav Klaus said, “The demand for migration is rooted in liberal-fuelled multiculturalism, in progressivism, and liberal democracy and the pseudo-humanism of political correctness”.
European elites, who value race-mixing over unity, attempt to destroy nation states, “dissolve the existing nations by mixing them with migrants from all over the world.”
Coming from a country with a tradition of strict border protection, former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer recounted Australia’s five key principles when it comes to immigration. First, “we believe in the nation-state being the essential way human beings organise themselves.”
“Australians don’t believe in the concept of open borders. The critical thing to do is to break the business model of the people smugglers,” Downer said. On refugees, he warned that these people are not only looking for protection, they are also looking to migrate.
Former Spanish Interior Minister and European People’s Party Vice-President Jaime Mayor Oreja said that there is chaos in the European Union and this chaos has led to our current situation. “We have to be able to free European thinking from the currently prevailing liberal trend,” Oreja said.
The European Union was born with “lots of soul, but a very little body,” but now we have lost all this soul and developed “too much body,” the Spanish politician said, referring to the extensive EU institutional framework that renders the bloc unable to resolve problems like migration and border protection.